Sunday 17 June 2012

How Many Cats Is Too Many?

Well. Today has been interesting, firstly went on a long walk with my dad and the dog as it is fathers day - that was nice, although exercise doesn't help my depression it does help clear my head and its lovely having time with my dad to talk about nothing in particular!

Then I arrived home to the news that our landlord had been clearing out the house next door and we have found out the previous tenant there left a cat behind - no food or water or anything... My heart hurts at the thought, is 3 cats too many? I know the easy solution is to phone a animal charity, but I hate the thought of a poor cat going into a cats home... *Must not have any more pets* Need to repeat this in my head over and over I think!

My Ginger and White Little Kitten, 4 Months Old
                       I dont think this little man would be happy with a new brother or sister mind!!!

Onward's and Upward's - I am going to the doctor tomorrow, hoping to see someone different from my usual doctor who seems to spend his time telling me everything I am doing wrong - last time telling me I need to lose another 2 stone when I mentioned id lost a small amount of weight - which then in turn made me feel even fatter - If he hadn't put me on tablets that made me eat like a horse in the first place maybe I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!

I will update tomorrow on how the doctors goes - I am hoping to either change medication or reduce it, last time I reduced I fell back into a deep depression so I am a little nervous.

Wish Me Luck

CatWoman2....(Maybe CatWoman3 next time i post!!)

P.S I am new to blogging so if anyone has any tips or guidance I would be so grateful


Saturday 16 June 2012

Where I Was And Where I Am...

When i think about how far I have come in the last 2 years I am proud,

However I still have bad days, and I do wonder if this is going to be for the rest of my days? When I sit and think on this i cry and wonder why I dont just give up and end it all, when i was at my worst these thoughts were all day every day - now its once/twice a week IF that, and it still scares me today as much as it did then. What if i give in to those thoughts? 

One amazing piece of advice I got from a psychiatrist 'suicide is a short term solution to a long term problem' this piece of advice does keep me going. 

I am lucky I have amazing parents who support and listen to me, even if they don't always understand the ins and outs of my brain.

I want this blog to show people it DOES get better, but I also need to learn how to deal with this hideous illness for the rest of my life.

Lots of Love

CW2 x

This is me


I have set up this blog to show it is possible to move onwards and upwards from a mental illness - in my case severe depression and anxiety - it isnt easy, and I want to get rid of the stigma. Which is why i am doing this without revealing who I am for now - Until i feel brave enough to show my face.

I have spent almost the last 3 years suffering with mental illness - I am a 23 year old girl who couldnt work for over 2 years. I am now working - living with my other half and our two kittens. This is my story and my struggles.